Free to Download Krivda, the Godtrix Against the Matrix
'Krivda' is an ancient Russian word that means 'deceit' with a twist - the subtler, more pernicious connotation of 'reality made crooked'. This word, and its meaning, underpins the discovery of how machineries of 'religion' operate over a long historical arc of six thousand years, revealing striking structural and operational continuity from the religions of ancient gods to those of the modern secular gods of money and science. That continuity is reaching its culmination in the present early part of the twenty-first century. The new god of techno science emerges around the globe, its religion seamlessly taking the succession of its predecessors all gathered into its fold, its dogma seamlessly taking over the well-conditioned mind and psyche of man... Therein lies the 'god-trix'.The book does not adopt a conventional historiographical approach, but rather seeks to perceive the unfolding of that continuity from the standpoint of the common people - the silent non-actors of conventional
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